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Harry Potter: A Memory

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore, ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ With the reveal of the much-awaited play of 2016, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, I've decided to reminisce on my memories of this wonderful series. Harry Potter isn't just another fight of Good vs. Evil; it's a journey of love, friendship and family. The journey of eleven-year-old Harry Potter as he tries to fit in with the world of wizards and witches, and try to be a normal (well, as normal as you can get when you have magic) school-child. But the evil wizard Lord Voldemort is not content to let the child that defeated him go unscathed as he tries in various ways to kill Harry and rule the world. Although the first book (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) was written for children, as Harry grew, the series slowly turns more dark and serious, mimicking Harry's change from a lost eleven-year-old into a teen with the responsibility to save the world. The fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is where things really take a serious turn; characters we have come to love die, and a new war is on the horizon. Grief and the realization that a bloody war is coming up is in all the last three books, and Harry wins his battle with many losses but a new beginning for the magical world. Change comes in various ways for the characters: know-it-all Hermione Granger turns into a more confident and mature know-it-all, shy Neville Long bottom shows his brave side as he openly refuses Voldemort and kills his precious snake, the childish bully Draco Malfoy learns that his actions have consequences and so on. The Harry Potter series are a delight for anyone who likes reading. They're engaging, humorous and every character has their shining moments. Reading the books drew me into a completely new world and made me as surprised and excited as Harry when he enters the magical street of stores, Diagon Alley. They explore common themes like death and friendship. Love is the main one however; the unconditional love of his mother protects Harry and helps him defeat the evil Voldemort, who has never known love. It's a wondrous journey and a must-read one as well. There is a reason why Harry is loved so much by so many, and why the series is the best-selling book series in history. If you have never read Harry Potter, I suggest you start when you get the time. I can guarantee you will not regret it. 

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